Sunday, May 5, 2019

Health Value Policy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Value Policy - Research Paper modelingAs per my spiritual beliefs I consider myself strictly accountable to the job, assigning authorities for any on job mishap. Nurses be in charge to carry out on the whole critical operations during atomic number 53s handling and therefore they are also accountable for the on job negligence. Healthcare policies of contrary administrations not only affect their performance but also influence healthcare providers working for that institution and the society at large. Therefore it is highly significant to formulate such policies which are beneficial for some(prenominal) the institution and the community. Cost, musical note and social issues play a very crucial role when it comes to healthcare because honourable principles for nurses are basically judged on these three variables. For instance, justice, good-will and autonomy (Gelling, 1999) are the most important estimable principles for me being a nurse. However, at times my ethical conduct is greatly challenged by the cost of treatment, the case of management and existing social issues in a way that justice calls to maintain equal treatment opportunities for every individual (Butts, 2008) but cost of treatment does not always allow that. Similarly, autonomy affects the quality since I as a nurse want to extend my maximum skills and abilities towards the patients but on the otherwise hand the healthcare policy might not permit me to do so. Social issues particularly those concerning the materialization generation affect my principle of beneficence because today people do not want to need medical help for their issues other than physical health (Butts, 2008). For instance, a number of young people who are severely affected by psychological diseases hardly go for medical facilitation. Maintaining justice at all levels of life was a part of my upbringing and now after entering into the nursing field I hold a more firm believe over it. This is because medical treatment should be alike for all irrespective of race, color or status. Moreover, justice with the duties of a nurse is another important share which must be considered in order to benefit others. Non maleficence is my spiritual belief and I am sure that no religion in the world teaches to harm others especially nurses and doctors who are ethically, religiously and socially liable to extend healthcare benefits. My personal experience says that nurses are by nature very utilize to their jobs however, the society at large and healthcare policies in particular influence their performance. For instance, cost of treatment is a major concern for all the healthcare institutions which actually stops the employees from performing at their best. Hence it is highly significant to make such policies which do not discriminate between rich and poor. Apart from this, healthcare policy is also affected by the governing body regulations and political instability. Political representatives are solely responsible to grant maximum healthcare opportunities to the mass population, however at times different taxes and huge government shares reduce the healthcare chances for the disadvantaged group of the society (Butts, 2012). The most significant inconsistency that I train discovered in the healthcare policy and in my personal beliefs is the poor relationship between beneficence and cost of treatment.

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