Wednesday, May 29, 2019

What is Education? Education has been an important aspect in people’s l

What is Education? Education has been an important aspect in quite a littles lives. As childrenWhat is Education?Education has been an important aspect in peoples lives. Aschildren, they start their academic careers in elementary check andas they grow older they move onto middle school, and then finally highschool. I believe that from elementary school to high school,students are acquire the minimal amount of study. Some peoplestop their education after their grade twelve year and some go ontopost-secondary institutions. In addition, I to a fault believe thatstudents who finish high school but decide not to pursuepost-secondary schools will have acquired enough education to carry onwith their lives and as well as getting entry level jobs. Furthermore, students who continue their education in colleges anduniversities will become more academically skilled while change magnitudetheir chances of getting a well paid job (depending on their major).Their lives will be enriched as well. In this paper, I will argue my thoughts on what is the stand up ofeducation. There are many ways to argue what the experience ofeducation is. My argument is that the experience of education meansgaining the skills and knowledge to not only to survive in the realworld, but to gain awareness and appreciation for life-long learningand the things that happen around us.Education is such a broad field as there are so many educational pathsto take to become successful in a particular field. Common knowledgesays that the education weve go through in elementary school havehelped prepare us for middle school. The same thing applies for entryto high school from middle school. These events from the three different c... ...e different situations. Theseskills should not be overlooked and should not be taken for granted. We must appreciate the world around us and be thankful for whateducation has provided us. Without education, we may not be able todo everyday things such as calculating our ex penses, thinkinglogically, and interpreting ones idea, etc. I believe that in life,all people to some extent are committed to life-long learning. Everyday we go through an experience such as study at school,helping out in the community, or being a good Samaritan. For everyexperience we gain, we use that experience to gain another experience. whole kit and caboodle CitedBarnhart, Clarence L., & Robert K. Barnhart, eds. The World BookDictionary Volume one A-K. Chicago, IL World Book Inc., 1993.Dewey, John. My Pedagogic Creed. The School Journal 54, no.3, 16January 1897 77 80.

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