Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Benefits of Implementing Talking Circles in the Classroom Essay

I spent my volunteer experience with Dr. Geis special needs classroom at County Elementary School and throughout my participation, the most define observation was that of the teachers and staff members. Naturally, some employees ar better than others at fulfilling tasks. However, as time passed, I noticed that certain employees had difficulty starting each daytime fresh, free of the pressure and tension that may have accumulated from the previous day. I only volunteered a couple of times a week so my ability to wipe the slate clean was easier. Nevertheless, I can understand how taxing and repetitive the process can be for the full length of a school year. According to the National Commission on Teaching about, one-third of all new teachers leave after three years, and 46 percent are gone within five years (Kopkowski). The relatively high attrition rate of teachers is known as teacher burnout. Teacher burnout can be attributed to twain physical and emotional factors which may incl ude, classroom disruptions, inadequate salaries, oversized classes, overbearing parents, excessive paperwork, cutbacks in supplies or materials, threats, harassment, assaults, violence, or problems with co-workers or with administrators (Campbell). The National Commission on Teaching estimates costs up to, $7 billion a year, as districts and states recruit, hire, and try to retain new teachers (Kopkowski). Teacher burnout is financially and socially affecting schools, communities, and society. The suggest of this paper is to identify factors that may lead to teacher burnout, acknowledge the effects of the issue, and provide solutions to better manage the stress of teaching.In The Relationship between pupil Behaviour Patterns and Teacher Burnout... ...y. 2014.Clear, Todd R. Imprisoning Communities. 1st ed. Oxford Oxford University Press, 2007. Print.Clifford, Amos. Teaching Restorative Practices With Classroom Circles. 1st ed. 2013. Print.Glassman, Bernard, and Rick Fields. Instru ctions To The Cook. 1st ed. New York Bell Tower, 1996. Print.Hastings, Richard P, and Mohammed S Bham. The Relationship Between Student Behaviour Patterns And Teacher Burnout. School Psychology International 24.1 (2003) 115--127. Print.Kopkowski, Cynthia. Why They Leave. NEA. N. p., 2014. Web. 2 May.,. Maslach Burnout Inventory By Christina Maslach, Susan E. Jackson, Michael P. Leiter, Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Richard L. Schwab - Mind Garden, Inc.. N. p., 2014. Web. 2 May. 2014.Pranis, Kay, Barry Stuart, and Mark Wedge. Peacemaking Circles. 1st ed. St. Paul, Minn. Living justice Press, 2003. Print.

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