Thursday, May 9, 2019

Teleology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Teleology - Research Paper ExampleThe results, apt and impacts that such ethical issues quiver to the sports industry explain the leading occurrences. Drug use and steroids instill unfairness in sports, as the users prevail to possess boosted and comparable advantage of the non-users. The act negatively influences way and characters of the participants as many will go back to the unethical conducts to emerge victorious with the aided advantages.Human beings conduct themselves in a manner that the aftermaths rational dictate. The assertion relies on reference to the ends or goal attainment, this is teleology and the dependence of human conduct on it implies ethics. morals refers to the moral principles that administer an individuals or groups behavior. Teleology has helped the humans to understand the behavior as of either pursuing their ends or goals to fulfill a purpose that the mind determines or dictates. concord to Aristotle, a comprehensive explanation of any phenomenon m ust consider its formal, efficient and final cause. The mind has to be present for a thing to act for an end (Woodfield,

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